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About Us

For years, I've used many products and hair oils that promised to grow my damaged hair. In the end, I've never received any positive outcomes.

For the past year, I've did my research and have curated two 100% natural hair oils made with a combination of essential and carrier oils that contributes to clean, moisturized hair growth.

One oil is designed specially  for ages 18-35 years of age to stimulate hair growth named Jasmine Hair Oil, after me; Jasmine Mouton because I used this oil for months on myself and it helped with my hair growth.

When creating an oil formula that worked well for me, I thought who else can benefit from this? My mother! This oil is specially designed for ages 40-65 years of age to stimulate hair growth named Jacqueline Hair Oil, after my mother, Jacqueline Mouton-Reynolds.


Our mission is for every person to feel beautiful with their own natural hair and to know that all hair types has the chance to grow long and beautiful.


Thanks for supporting my business, please stay for the ride, there's a lot more to come.